Clare Guthrie

is writing her first novel

About me

I read a lot when I was growing up. In Year 5 my teacher told my parents that I read under the desk while he was teaching. He also told them that this was a good thing. Mr Saunders. He was cool.

In high school I read more than I socialised; I read walking up to the train station in the morning, walking home in the afternoon, and any chance I got in between. When I started Year 7 we were given a book list and I had read every book on the list before school started.

I read anything, but lots of fantasy and, as I got older, science fiction. I used to read about dragons, hobbits, space ships that sang, some dude with leprosy and a white gold ring that gave him special powers, and lots more.

In recent years I’ve loved Skulduggery Pleasant, Percy Jackson and Katniss Everdeen. I’m not a big fan of the Twilight chick though.

And through out all this time I’ve wanted to write my own stories but never quite had the courage to do it. That has changed now. Now I am ready to launch my ideas into the world of published work and, just maybe, add my story to the list of work that has delighted generations.

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